Pneumatic Single Seat Control Valves Common Failures and Releases

When the pneumatic single-seat control valve adopts graphite-asbestos as the filling material, a lubricant should be added on the filler for about three months to ensure that the regulating valve is flexible and easy to use. If the filler pressure cap is found

Beijing Rail Transit intends to increase marketization

Beijing Infrastructure Investment Corporation signed an agreement with Hong Kong Railway Co., Ltd. and Beijing Capital Group Co., Ltd. on the 21st, and the Beijing-Hong Kong subway will increase its operating lines. This means that the marketization of Beijing

"Automotive Air Conditioning Synthetic Refrigeration Oil" released

The reporter was informed on July 5, 2011 that the NB/SH/T 0849-2010 “ Automotive Air Conditioning Synthetic Refrigerated Oil ” drafted by Great Wall Lubricants, which lasted for more than two years, has been approved by the National Ener

Cheng Yuan: Biogas cannot become a new energy source in the future

A few days ago, the China National Business Council’s Petroleum Circulation Committee petitioned the National Development and Reform Commission to call for an immediate halt to the domestic corn-to-ethanol-to-ethanol project on the grounds that â€